Creating an Email Link Navigation Entry


A navigation system component may have three types of entries:

  • "Link"

  • "Separator"

  • "HTML"

A "Link" entry connects to a web page. A "Separator" entry creates a line that divides other entries. An "HTML"entry can do this and more. A common use of the "HTML"entry is to create a mail-to hyperlink.

  1. Add a new entry to your navigation component.

  2. Select "HTML" in the Node Settings > Type list.

  3. Enter HTML code into the Node Settings > HTML property. The following is an example:

    <a style="COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-DECORATION: none" href="mailto:sales@alphasoftware?subject=Inquiry from...">Contact Us</a>

This code:

  • sets the color of the text to white (#FFFFFF)

  • sets the email address to "sales@alphasoftware"

  • defines the subject line of the email to be "Inquiry from... "

  • displays the label "Contact Us".

See Also